Juiced TV is an Australian first entertainment initiative that benefits the health and wellbeing of kids and their families in hospital. In March 2020, the team from Juiced TV contacted dLIVEr to discuss ways of continuing to bring this unique experience to sick kids amid the pandemic. Together we developed Juiced TV Live Virtual Visits. Ranging from live interviews with famous faces from around the world to Virtual Excursions, Juiced TV Live utilises the Facebook platform enabling immediate viewer engagement around the globe. dLIVEr is proud to be a part of the continuing success of this wonderful program. Click the image below to view the famous Chris Hemsworth virtual visit.

It’s been wonderful to work with the dLIVEr team over the last 10 months as we remained committed to delivering amazing experiences to kids in hospitals during a time of increased restrictions as a result of the pandemic.
From day one they’ve felt like family, always going the extra mile to help us prepare for each live broadcast and constantly looking for ways to make each show better than the last with new pieces of technology, equipment and workflow suggestions. Even if the call time was 6am in the morning and required late nights of prep before, they’ve always turned up with smiles and 100% committed to delivering an amazing experience for our hospital community. Thanks Guppy and Jockey!

Pip Forbes
Founder & Managing Director, Juiced TV