An inspiring organization based in the US, Roadtrip Nation empowers young people to find what they love, contact people that live a life that inspires them, and then interview those people in order to learn from their stories, and to share that experience with others. Featuring a huge green RV, they travel the USA documenting the highs & lows of participants on their journey of self development. COVID19 meant a change in the way this could be achieved so dLIVEr and the RTN team worked to produce content to continue the journey, albeit virtually. Click the image below to watch a recording of the live stream.

We partnered with the dLIVEr team to pivot what would have been a physical documentary premiere event in New York City to an entirely virtual event due to COVID19. Micheal and David laid down the stepping stones to success for our team and orchestrated a masterful live stream full of content, music, panelists and most importantly – audience engagements. We saw record numbers of views that surpassed what would have been possible in a physical setting. Top notch professionals going above and beyond for us! Thank you!

Ben Sienko
Event Manager, Roadtrip Nation